PLC | Vacuum Chamber CDV The PLC version is our most advanced version, it integrates a high performance PLC which allows us to develop the ORION operating system. ORION O.S. We can develop custom applications even after purchasing the device and install them through the SD card reader. Applications You can choose from the available applications the one that corresponds to your need. Data Export Orion automatically saves test data in an Excel file. The results can thus be easily archived and carry out statistical analyzes. Available in "Bench Top" version CDV BT See CDV BT Available in "Floor Stand" version CDV FS See CDV FS CDV BT PLCCDV FS PLC3 different operating systems for cycle control Model S Semi Automatic Control Semi Auto Model A Automatic Control Auto Model P Advanced Control PLC julien2021-07-15T16:30:01+00:00